Light Pole Decorating Contest
Fall: Oct. 6th-Oct 31

Local businesses and organizations are invited to brighten up our streets! Let’s give Princeton a fall glow-up, providing fun for residents and visitors alike. Just pick a pole and decorate! Your light pole must have a sign indicating which business or civic group it was decorated by. Light poles can be claimed on a first-come, first-served basis. Each business or group may decorate ONE pole.
Download Flier and Contest Rules

Hallowine and Boos
Saturday Oct. 11th, 3-6pm
West Water Street, Princeton

Cider, Beer and Wine Tasting. Water Street will be closed for the afternoon so that you can stroll through this historical area and enjoy raffles, street food from local vendors, music, sidewalk sales and more!
Tickets $35. Tickets will be available online at Eventbrite or at the Princeton Public Library at 424 W. Water St.
Download Hallowine and Boos Flier

Trick or Treat on Water Street
Friday, Oct. 24th, 3:30-5pm

A free, family event organized by the Princeton Chamber of Commerce. Candy and spooky displays at local businesses. Bring the kids for an afternoon of safe, family fun. As in previous years, a fire truck, ambulance, or police vehicle will be parked at both ends of water street to ensure the safety of families walking in the street.  Candy bought by the Chamber will be handed out at the public library.
Hot dogs bought by the Chamber will be given away by the Lions at Megow Park.
Download Trick or Treat Flier